Friday, December 12, 2014

While Presenting Your Product to a Retailer, Be Prepared with a Packaging Prototype Sample.

While presenting your product to a retail buyer, often times the packaging is overlooked.  Be prepared by having a packaging mock up or comp on hand for your product.  (A mock up or comp is a packaging prototype sample with graphics.)

Often times the buyer prefers to have the packaging sample along with your product in hand, so they can touch and feel it.  This gives them an idea of how the product will look on their retail shelves.  It also makes you look prepared, and that you have put some thought into the packaging and marketing.

In creating your packaging mock up sample, make sure to:
• follow the retailer's packaging guidelines.  The guidelines can be accessed from the buyer or may be available online.  Packaging designers also have them on hand.
• have the packaging designed to be as environmentally sustainable as possible.  This is a big criteria with retailers especially with Walmart.
• include the manufacturing cost of the packaging into the wholesale price of your product.  In having this, you will be prepared to have an estimate of your profit margin during your presentation.

The packaging mock up sample is a valuable step in your sales presentation with a retailer.  Have one made, and make the sale.  Good luck!

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